And once again, we can say,A Good Time was had by all!
On October 4, 2023, the ECHS Class of 1962 gathered at the Chickawa Outdoor Center, arranged for our use at no cost by Len Ross- thank you, Len. The weather and the setting were perfect, the food was delicious and enjoyed by all, with even some “to go” boxes that went home. Most importantly, the attendees brought their smiles and happy faces, filled with memories of our Eau Claire days, as well as memories of all our gatherings that have happened since our 40th reunion in 2002. There is a core group that attends each and every time, and we are always excited to see those who have never come or who may have missed some and return. The fellowship and the bond of the friendships that have been revived and have been fostered since 2022 mean so much to each one of us.
Photos of the day are posted under “Look at us now – 2022-2027. The “In Memoriam” section is also current.
Thank you to those who were there and for those who weren’t able to join us, we hope to see you at the next one. Stay well and healthy and stay tuned for the 2024 plans.