We remember our friends here and as they were known to us in the 1962 CLARION.

Ayscue Skipper, Penelope (Penny) (11/14/1998)

(was not in the 1962 Clarion Senior section)

Banks, Jr. , Harold Grady (10/18/1987)

“A sincere and loyal guy…gentle manner…quite shy but quite a man.”

Bennett, Richard Earl  (9/30/02

“Usually quiet…likes football…enjoys a good joke.”

Berry, Harry Gene (3/8/2013)

“A quiet, serious gentleman…enjoysfootball…an able worker.”

Bishop, Vance Kelly (7/6/1998)

“Full of fun…happy all the time…likes auto mechanics.”

Blackwell, Sylvia Jean ( 5/14/5014)

“quiet and sincere…enjoys being helpful…liked by all who know her.”

Boney, Jerry Grigsby (12/12/2020)

“Quiet but not idle…ready for some good fun…never troubled…distinctive laugh.”

Boozer, John Reuben (11/16/22)

“Friendly and crazy…ready for some good fun…never troubled…distinctive laugh.”

Borom Broom, Martha Helen (5/1/2010)

“Charm strikes the sight, but merit wins the soul,…a priceless friend.”

Brown, Harry

“Hails from North Charleston…”What can I do ’til this class is over?”

Busch, Monroe Stephen (4/23/2013)

“Industrious ….ticket stamper…ability is not always broadcasted.”

Bush Senn, Linda Jean (12/22/2023)

“Kind and friendly…has an easy-going personality…sparkling eyes.”

Castles Kennedy, Susan Cromer (10/18/2017)

” A ray of sunshine on a rainy day…sweet and perky…likes to talk”

Causey III, Herbert Gregg (1/2/2016)

“An auto mechanics man…ambitious as far as ambition carries him…a down right friend.”

Christopher Florence, Susie (1/24/07)

“A merry heart…sweetness, sincerity, and simplicity all in one.”

Corley, Larry Michael (5/19/2019)

“Quiet worker with a creative touch…capable as they come…a friend to all”

Curtis Todd, Genia Sue (5/12/17)

“Smoldering eyes and pretty brunette…fun loving…pleasing to see…nice to know”

Duncan Aiken, Nancy Carol (7/14/2021)

Likable, lovable, laughable…attractive, capable and reserved.

Fearing, David Warner (10/7/2007)

“A good golfer..foot loose and fancy free….time waits for only David.”

Fleming Jones, Frances Nell (5/24/2001)

“Talent to spare…sports enthusiast…always sincere…ability to excel.”

Gatch, Wendel Holmes (2/23/2018)

“A life that’s trimmed with laughter…unmatched personality…a wonderful senior”

Gates Rizer, Frances (12/24/2019)

(was not in the 1962 Clarion Senior section)

George, James W (3/3/2022)

“Slow but sure…always ready for a good time… likes the girls.”

Hallman DeMars, Linda (8/30/2023)

“Full of life…quiet but magnetic personality…blushes with the reddest light.”

Hancock, Oliver Nichols “Buddy” (6/5/12)

“The best need is no description…a funny fellow…also likable.

Harper, Paul Ned  (8/22/13) 

“Handsome blue eyes…a steady person in all things…a wonderful friend to count as yours.”

Harrell Selkinghaus, Mary Lou (12/11/97)

“Quiet but she will surprise you…easy to get along with…took home economics.”

Hildebrand Bertics, Ruth McArthur (1/15/2015)

“Married…comes to school in her spare time…came in late.”

Hinson Holladay, Mary Grayce (6/29/2009)

“Transfer from Peru…loves creative writing…optimistic…attained a measure of success.”

Hunt, James Harold

“One wonders what he is thinking…likes auto mechanics…tries not to study too hard.”

Isenhower Raymond, Dorothy Faye (4/10/2002)

“Patient and understanding…Mrs. Moffat’s girl Friday…Member of Mrs. Knight’s homeroom.”

Jacobs, William Garrison (01/09/2020)

“Friendly…enjoys watching ball games…never in homeroom”

Jones, Robert Michael (10/2/2015)

“Conscientious about everything… smart and industrious…likes basketball.”

Kinsey, William Edward “Bill”  (2/18/10)

“Happiest at football games…saddest during parallel reports…great school spirit…capable.”

Lingle, Guy Raymond (8/7/2000)

“Usually quiet, but watch out when excited, he’s a tongue on wheels…didn’t like to stay in class.”

Longno, Juanario Katalbas “Bing” (9/9/2023)

“Loves basketball…enjoys good times…good natured.”

Martin, James Durham “JD” (03/02/2022)

“Football anyone…whiz at friendship…likes o argue and always wins.”

Nairwood, Gloria Elizabeth (5/3/1982)

“Enjoys skating and having a good time…long blonde hair…her very foot has music in it.”

Nungezer, Jr., George Norman (10/27/2019)

“Witty…plain spoken…unpredictable…good sport and likable”

Oppenlander McCall, Sarah Marguerite “Margy” (5/26/1992)

“There’s laughter in her eyes…”Tell me where the good times are”…winning personality.”

Owens,Jr., Thomas Raymond “Randy” (10/30/2018)

“Pet peeve-studying…precious, since found only in rare places…an unusual type”

Oxley Bartholomew, Shirley Ann (5/20/2001)

“Vivacious…fashioned so slenderly young, and fair…fatal combination of blue eyes and blonde hair.”

Patry, Paul Victor (10/29/1994)

“His deepest studies are in his sleep…enthusiastic…keeps late hours…bewitching eyes.”

Phillips Mixson, Patricia Anne

“Remnants of a Charleston brogue…a southern drawl…”Did anyone mention Clemson Tigers?”

Pittman, Ralph “Derry”

“Unpredictable…enjoys unlimited weekends…he can do anything he wants to.”

Riddle, Ernest Veto (4/27/2019)

“With a disposition to fit his name…a steady person in all things …efficient.”

Riley, Robert Ford “Laddie” (8/7/2023)

“Handsome…sure to study, but not too hard…serious when necessary.”

Ray, Brenda Annette (11/28/08)

“Has a twin brother…long gone when school is out…student secretary.”

Rogers, Larry D. (9/29/1999)

(was not in the 1962 Clarion Senior section)

Senn, Jimmy Ray (08/05/11)

(was not in the 1962 Clarion Senior section)

Sessions, Tally Thomas (4/2/2004)

“An individual…life finds a person with humor…never tires of a party.”

Shermer, Robert Tandy (4/2/2022)

(Was not in the 1962 Clarion Senior section)

Smith Mixon, Virginia Elizabeth (8/2007)

(Was not pictured in the 1962 Senior section.)

Steckel, John E (6/5/2019)

(was not in the 1962 Clarion Senior section)

Stillinger, Marion Wesley “Mack” (8/20/2021)

“”A nice person…he’s bound to succeed in whatever he chooses to do…conscientious.”

Swygert, John Davis (10/2/15)

“Loves to party…anticipates the summer…doesn’t love to work.”

Taylor Bone, Donna (12/22/17)

“Marriage agrees with her…always smiling…never unhappy”

Teague, Thomas Eldridge (4/17/17)

“Rock of Gibraltar…can’t wait for May 31…drives his T-model”

Trakas, Jimmy (5/19/1978)

“Waiting for good things to come…always on the run…who could match him?”

Twitty, III, William Bell “Bill” (9/3/2019)

“Tweety Bird”…can’t spell…enjoys classical music…liked extra activities of the band”

Watson Rayfield, Carolyn Rae (8/9/16)

“Soft spoken…full of life’s treasures…knows and enjoys people”

Williams, Rebecca (12/27/2021)

“Sweet is her nature…determination and patience…dark eyes and olive complexion.”

Wiliamson Timmons, Linda (6/23/2021)

“Nice girl to have around…pleasing disposition…friend to everyone.”

Wilson, Ernest Dove “Ernie” (9/9/2022)

“Favorite pastime-sleeping in class…happy-go-lucky…lots of fun…played baseball.”